Thursday, May 19, 2011

Asbestos awareness training video

Working on or near damaged asbestos containing materials (ACM's) and breathing in the asbestos fibers will increase your chances of getting an asbestos-related disease. When these fibers are inhaled they can cause serious diseases which are responsible for deaths .There are four main diseases caused by asbestos: Mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis and diffuse pleural thickening. So worker safety is one of the top concerns in any industry. OSHA requires that all businesses and industrial sites meet minimum standards of worker safety training to prevent injuries and manage emergencies.

Compliance & Safety provides asbestos awareness training video that trained workers to recognize hazardous materials, to protect themselves from exposure to dangerous materials, how to safely handle energy sources and methods of save in an emergency. These training videos are complete training program that should be a part of new employee orientation, and this training can help keep all of your employees up to date with current best practices in preventing and managing emergency situations. If an emergency happens, proper training in incident management, control and resolution can save lives and prevent a full-scale disaster.

These videos are one of the best ways to introduce employees about these dangerous materials. And companies should need to implement safety training as part of a federal grant qualification process, to meet OSHA requirements or to qualify your workers. These videos are an excellent way to present information and raise awareness of safety issues. Choosing the right safety training videos for your industry is important, but there are some safety issues that cross all industries. These are some of the top safety training videos that address important safety issues that should be of concern in any industry.

With the usage of Asbestos Awareness Training, workers should be able to:

•    An increased awareness of the nature and properties of asbestos and its effects on health, including the increased risk of lung cancer for asbestos workers who smoke
•    Be familiar with types, uses and likely occurrences of asbestos in buildings and plant
•    Know how to avoid the risks from asbestos

Compliance and Safety provides these videos in VHS or DVD format; some are on CD-ROM as well. Most videos are available in English and Spanish at very affordable prices. Our online training has one of the largest libraries of full-motion video-based Safety and Regulatory Compliance courses.
If you would like to get more details kindly visit us at:
compliance and safety

Find more information regarding Safety Videos click on these links:

Asbestos awareness training video,

digital 2000 safety videos

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